Why Every Salon/Spa Owner Should Seek Mentorship

Why Every Salon/Spa Owner Should Seek Mentorship

Why Every Salon Owner Should Seek Mentorship

Taking the Leap

Remember the day you decided to open your own salon? It was one of the biggest risks you could take. Depending on where you are in your journey, you might not fully grasp it yet, especially if you're still in the early stages. But what you've embarked on is a challenging path where only 15% of salon & spa owners survive beyond ten years.
I've seen it all: marriages crumble, homes and cars lost, relocations, and insurmountable debts. So, why do we embrace this journey? For me, it was defying the odds and proving my entrepreneurial family wrong. Maybe for you, it's about being great at what you do and believing you can earn a decent living while having more family time. Whatever your reason, I hope you find success on this journey!

The Key to Success: Knowledge

Having been a salon owner for most of my life and a coach for the past five years, I've seen and tested almost everything to help beauty entrepreneurs succeed. People often ask me, "What separates the successful from those who struggle?" The answer is simple—knowledge. But it’s not just about having knowledge; it’s about implementing it.
One of my biggest mistakes was trying to do everything myself, which cost me years and a ton of money.

Two Ways to Gain Knowledge

  1. Self-Education: You can educate yourself through videos, books, seminars, and more. This method is cost-effective and great if you have the time, but it involves trial and error.
  2. Mentorship: Learning from someone who’s been there can save you time and money. They’ve already paid the price in experience and can guide you to avoid common pitfalls.

My Mentorship Experience

Recently, I attended a class to learn how to create better content on social media. Despite free resources online, working with an experienced mentor made all the difference. They provided real-time guidance and corrected my mistakes, leading to a richer, more meaningful experience.

Why Mentorship Matters

If you want to fast-track your journey to success, a mentor can offer invaluable insights, helping you avoid years of trial and error.

Mastering Your Finances

Salons and spas often struggle financially because profit margins are razor-thin. Here’s how to keep your business in the black:
  1. Attract Quality Clients: Draw in clients who value your expertise and are willing to invest in themselves.
  2. Convert Clients into Loyal Fans: Keep them coming back to reduce turnover and protect profits.
  3. Provide an Exceptional Experience: High-paying clients expect extraordinary service.
Implementing these strategies takes time. Developing, refining, teaching, and monitoring systems is a long-term game, but mentorship can accelerate this process.

The Cost of Success

Success requires investment, either in time or money. Initially, your passion might have driven you, but mastering staffing, expenses, marketing, and client experience is essential. A mentor who has already navigated these challenges can guide you to success faster.

The Power of a Mentor

When making significant decisions, I always consult an expert. Having someone experienced by your side can tip the odds in your favor.
In a recent survey, salon and spa owners with a coach were significantly more successful than those without. If you can afford a coach, get one! It can make all the difference.

Ready to Level Up?

Don't let your salon dreams fade. Invest in mentorship and turn your business into a thriving, profitable venture. If you're ready to elevate your leadership, boost revenue, and step out of the daily grind, let's connect! Contact The Beauty Biz Agency today and start your journey to success.

Why struggle alone when you can have a roadmap to success? Your dream salon is just a call away! 



Are You Chasing That Salon Profit?

We all want it: a booming biz, a rockstar team, sales through the roof, loyal 5-star clients, and a stunning salon space. But let's be real—as the Salon CEO, we also dream of freedom and fat profits, something to show for all that hustle.
But when I ask salon owners, "Is your salon profitable?" I usually get a hesitant, "I think so?"

Here’s What That Means:

  • You might be paying your team first or not paying yourself enough.
  • Even worse, you’re not paying yourself at all...
  • Or, you’re paying yourself well, but your business is bleeding cash.
This is stressful. Living week to week, always sweating about money coming in isn’t sustainable. If you wait for profit to magically appear, it won’t.

Prioritize Profit or Keep Chasing Pennies

If you don’t make profit a priority, you’ll always be scrambling for cash. You’ve got to make intentional moves to turn things around. Trust me, it’s possible!

3 Game-Changing Steps to Boost Your Salon’s Profit

  1. Pay Your Bills & Team on Time: No more sweating over due dates.
  2. Get Paid Your Worth: Live the life you’ve always wanted.
  3. Grow Your Salon: Make enough to expand and thrive.

Stop Waiting for Money to Find You

As a business owner, it’s easy to get stuck in the grind, thinking that if you just keep doing "all the things," profit will find you. But if you’re not prioritizing or managing profit, there’ll never be enough. You’ll be left with scraps.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Paying your team top dollar while they’re not hitting targets, leaving you underpaid.
  • Paying yourself well but struggling to grow or step back from client work.
If your focus is on profit, you’ll be able to pay yourself and your team well, and grow your business without roadblocks.

Numbers Are Your Superpower (Not Your Enemy)

You need to understand your numbers to make smart choices. Our Beauty Biz Mastery Program has a Savvy Tracker that tracks all your business decisions. Be disciplined, dive into the numbers, and they’ll guide you.

Money Buckets Breakdown

Understand the 5 “buckets” where your money goes:
  1. Stock and Inventory: Keep this between 13-20% of sales.
  2. Wages: Keep this under 50% of income. Ensure your team hits targets without overspending.
  3. Operations: Includes marketing, accounting, office expenses. Watch this closely.
  4. Rent: Aim for 5-10% of sales income.
  5. Profit: Prioritize it first, just like rent, operations, wages, and stock.

Keep Your Focus Sharp

If your business isn’t profitable, one of your buckets is out of sync. Fix it and keep checking your numbers. Review pricing and team performance regularly. Even when you’re profitable, don’t stop. There’s always room for improvement.

Ready to Turn Your Salon Dreams into Reality?

Tired of guessing and stressing over your salon's profitability? It's time to take control and transform your business into the powerhouse you’ve always envisioned. With The Beauty Biz Agency's expert guidance and proven strategies, you can achieve freedom, fat profits, and a thriving salon without the constant hustle.
Don't wait for profit to find you—make it happen! Join a community of like-minded salon owners and get access to the tools and support you need to succeed. Let’s turn your vision into reality and make your salon the best it can be.

Ready to level up? Contact The Beauty Biz Agency today and let’s embark on this journey together. Your profitable, stress-free future starts now! 💪💇‍♀️💰

Price Like a Pro: How to Charge What You’re Really Worth and Ditch the Hobby Mentality

Price Like a Pro: How to Charge What You’re Really Worth and Ditch the Hobby Mentality
Hey there, salon and spa rockstars! 🌟 Let's talk about something crucial: charging your worth. Over the past year, there’s been a huge push for us to finally recognize our value. And guess what? The industry is waking up! If we don’t charge correctly for our amazing treatments and services, we’re not running a business—we’ve got a pricey hobby. And let’s be real, hobbies should be fun, not money-draining headaches, right?

So, what’s on today’s agenda? We’re diving into:

  • What it means to charge your worth
  • Why nailing your pricing is more important than ever
  • How to work out your prices (and what to avoid)
  • Where to get more help if you need it

Talking Money: It’s Time to Get Real

I know, discussing money can be awkward. It's not always our favorite subject, and sometimes it feels downright uncomfortable. But let’s break the ice and get real—money may not be everything, but it definitely makes life a whole lot smoother. As Zig Ziglar wisely said, “Money isn’t everything… but it ranks up there with oxygen.” So, let’s dive in and get comfortable with valuing our worth!

Why Are We So Bad at Charging Our Worth?
Is it a lack of self-belief or self-worth? Maybe we don’t fully grasp the numbers, or we lack the confidence to ask for what we’re worth. I once heard a phrase that has stuck with me to this day: “If you don’t charge your worth… then you’re worthLESS.”
Whatever the reason, it’s time to stop underselling ourselves. Stand up for your trade, your skills, and your value. Let’s start commanding more money—at least enough to make a profit and stop working for free.

What's the Deal with Charging Your Worth?
Alright, let’s get down to it—charging your worth is all about flaunting your unique awesomeness. It’s not just about the time you spend; it’s about the total package you bring. Your killer skills, one-of-a-kind service, and top-notch qualifications all add up to
serious value.

So, what does it really mean to charge your worth? It’s about recognizing and showcasing what sets you apart from the rest. Whether it’s your standout skills, unique way of delivering services, or those hard-earned qualifications, these elements make you special and valuable.
When you're setting those prices (yep, time for a bump up!), remember you're charging for way more than just hours. Think about your expertise, training, and experience—all the blood, sweat, and tears that got you to this point. Your clients aren’t just paying for your time; they’re investing in your journey and the magic you bring to the table.
Let’s be real—charging your worth means owning your value and not being afraid to ask for it. Your clients should understand they’re paying for top-tier quality and a whole lot of passion. So, stand tall, set those prices confidently, and remember: you’re not just offering a service, you’re delivering a premium experience.

You’re More Than Just Your Service
You’re a total game-changer. A miracle worker. A stress-buster. When your clients get this, they’ll gladly pay what you're worth. If some clients don’t see it, it’s time to move on and find those who do. Believe me, they’re out there.

Pricing: Belief Meets Market Magic
Your pricing is a combo of how you see your value and how the market sees it. Your branding and positioning are key here. Think about it—how else could Apple sell a $1,000 smartphone when others are half the price? It’s all about how you position yourself.
So, don’t hold back. Brag about your skills and how you change lives. If you view yourself as "just a hairstylist," that’s exactly how the world will see you. It all starts with YOU!

Let’s Do This!
Ready to charge what you're worth and level up your biz? Let’s make those prices reflect the real value you bring to the table. It’s your time to shine!!
Rock on, superstars!

Vibe & Thrive: Motivate Your Salon Squad to Sell Big

Vibe & Thrive: Motivate Your Salon Squad to Sell Big
Struggling to get your salon crew pumped about selling? You’re definitely not alone. One of the
most common questions I hear as a salon coach is, “How do I get my staff to sell more?”

I've been there. I ran a salon for over a decade and faced unmotivated staff plenty of times. So,
how do you get your team hyped to sell? Here's a ridiculously simple tip that most people

When your team finishes a treatment or hairstyle, you want them to seamlessly switch to making
a sale. But often, they don’t. They’re scared of rejection, unsure how to pitch, or just not feeling
it. And before you know it, the client walks out empty-handed. Total buzzkill, right?
Here’s the secret sauce: motivation. And the big revelation? It’s all about knowing what truly
drives your team.

Sure, tossing a 10% commission their way sounds cool, but it doesn’t always work. Why?
Because most folks don’t connect the dots between making a sale now and seeing a bit more
cash at the end of the month. The immediate awkwardness of selling often outweighs the
delayed reward of extra money.

Some people are super money-driven and will hustle hard, but they’re the exception. So, what’s
the magic trick? Personalize your motivation game.

Get to know your crew. Scope out their hobbies and what they love doing in their free time. Are
they foodies who live for eating out? Offer them gift cards to restaurants. Are they travel
junkies? How about extra vacay days for hitting sales goals? Maybe they’re obsessed with a
certain makeup brand—reward them with a Sephora giftcard.

The key is to sit down with each team member and ask, “What would fire you up to sell more?”
Tailor your incentives to their personal passions and interests.

You can throw all the sales training at them, but if the reward doesn’t light their fire, it won’t
matter. Motivation is about making the reward so tempting that it’s worth pushing through the
sales process.

Maybe one of your stylists is saving up for a dream vacation, or another is eyeing a cool new
gadget. Tap into those personal goals and offer incentives that make their eyes light up. Make
the reward so irresistible that the effort feels like a no-brainer.

By tapping into what truly motivates each person on your team, you’ll create a squad that’s
driven and ready to crush it. Your salon will thrive, and you’ll see those sales skyrocket.

Maximize Your Hustle: Three Killer Tools for Ultimate Productivity

Maximize Your Hustle: Three Killer Tools for Ultimate Productivity
Hey, go-getters! In this fast-paced world, squeezing every drop of productivity out of our day is
crucial. So, I'm dropping three epic tools that help me stay on top of my game. Let’s dive in!

1. Evernote: Your Digital Sidekick
Evernote is my ride-or-die for capturing ideas, notes, and to-dos on the fly. Picture this: I'm
cruising down the street, no laptop, no frantic typing, just chatting into my phone. Evernote’s
voice note feature grabs my thoughts, and I can whip them into blog posts, social media gold, or
emails later.

Perfect for those who need a digital notepad that syncs across all devices. Save time and keep
your creativity flowing, even on the go. Evernote’s basic plan is free and jam-packed with
features. Check it out here.

2. Asana: The Project Management Beast
Asana is the ultimate tool for managing tasks and projects. Think of it as your digital command
center, where you can create to-do lists, set reminders, and track progress. From weekly goals
to major projects, Asana keeps everything organized and on point.
I use Asana for planning my week, smashing goals, managing events, and syncing with my
squad. It’s perfect for keeping everyone in the loop, no matter where they are. And yep, the
basic version is free. Jump in here.

3. Do Not Disturb: Silence the Noise
This might not be an app, but it’s a game-changer. Activate your phone’s Do Not Disturb mode
and watch your productivity soar. No more endless notifications, pointless calls, or distracting
pings. Only calls from your favorites or emergencies get through.
Studies show it can take up to 20 minutes to refocus after an interruption. Imagine working in
uninterrupted blocks of time—pure bliss. Essential calls still come through, so you won’t miss
any real emergencies. Find this lifesaver in your mobile settings.

Ready to Slay?
With Evernote, Asana, and Do Not Disturb, you’re set to dominate your day. These tools help
you stay organized, focused, and efficient. Time to level up and crush those goals!

Keep hustling, productivity warriors! 🚀
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