Vibe & Thrive: Motivate Your Salon Squad to Sell Big
Struggling to get your salon crew pumped about selling? You’re definitely not alone. One of the
most common questions I hear as a salon coach is, “How do I get my staff to sell more?”

I've been there. I ran a salon for over a decade and faced unmotivated staff plenty of times. So,
how do you get your team hyped to sell? Here's a ridiculously simple tip that most people

When your team finishes a treatment or hairstyle, you want them to seamlessly switch to making
a sale. But often, they don’t. They’re scared of rejection, unsure how to pitch, or just not feeling
it. And before you know it, the client walks out empty-handed. Total buzzkill, right?
Here’s the secret sauce: motivation. And the big revelation? It’s all about knowing what truly
drives your team.

Sure, tossing a 10% commission their way sounds cool, but it doesn’t always work. Why?
Because most folks don’t connect the dots between making a sale now and seeing a bit more
cash at the end of the month. The immediate awkwardness of selling often outweighs the
delayed reward of extra money.

Some people are super money-driven and will hustle hard, but they’re the exception. So, what’s
the magic trick? Personalize your motivation game.

Get to know your crew. Scope out their hobbies and what they love doing in their free time. Are
they foodies who live for eating out? Offer them gift cards to restaurants. Are they travel
junkies? How about extra vacay days for hitting sales goals? Maybe they’re obsessed with a
certain makeup brand—reward them with a Sephora giftcard.

The key is to sit down with each team member and ask, “What would fire you up to sell more?”
Tailor your incentives to their personal passions and interests.

You can throw all the sales training at them, but if the reward doesn’t light their fire, it won’t
matter. Motivation is about making the reward so tempting that it’s worth pushing through the
sales process.

Maybe one of your stylists is saving up for a dream vacation, or another is eyeing a cool new
gadget. Tap into those personal goals and offer incentives that make their eyes light up. Make
the reward so irresistible that the effort feels like a no-brainer.

By tapping into what truly motivates each person on your team, you’ll create a squad that’s
driven and ready to crush it. Your salon will thrive, and you’ll see those sales skyrocket.


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